Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tummy time!

Heidi has never been a fan of tummy time, but slowly she is liking it more and more. She especially likes the hardwood, so she is able to scoot around easier. Here is a glimpse into her general routine.

Happy with her toys.

What's all the fuss, Mom? This is easy!

She loves wiggling her arms and legs. She is able to scoot backward with her arms, but she feet are not yet sure what to do.

This is too frustrating!

I'm done, Mommy!


Chris & Sarah Peek said...

So sweet! J hated tummy time for a few months, so we'd set a time for him. I think 3 minutes was a popular limit of his endurance and our ability to let him fuss. He got over it though and started to love it!

Julie said...

Thanks Sarah! I will try the time limit idea.