Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2nd and 3rd food attempts: Avocado and Banana

We were eating avocado for lunch one day and decided to give Heidi a piece of it to see what she thought of the taste since it seems like other babies have preferred avocado to other fruits and veggies. She tasted, cringed, and eventually gagged, as usual.

Not too sure of the taste yet.

As you can see, the little piece of avocado did not make it far. She bit off a small chunk, but the rest did not make it to her mouth. It's amazing how she loves to put everything but food in her mouth!

Yucky! Trying to get all the avocado out of her mouth.

Then the other day, Heidi was in the bumbo in the kitchen and found the bunch of bananas on the counter next to her while my back was turned. She finally dug her 2 teeth into one of them and was able to taste the banana, which she was not a fan of either.

I gave her a piece of the banana, so she wouldn't accidentally eat some of the peel! That would not taste good.

I want out of the bumbo, Mommy!

No more banana!

Welcome to the life of a picky eater?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, so cute!! Keep trying, Abbey took til 10-12 months before she really started eating or enjoying eating. -Staci