Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Photos from Mexico

Most of or work Julie decided was extremely boring. I spent the first three days of the week diging test pits to look at the soil. Then using a penetrometer we could classify the soil and determine a bearing pressure. On Wednesday we visited a construction site to look as some local building taking place and on Thursday I helped with surveying. I also spent time figureing out where the bridge would go with Jonathan and George.

Here is a photo of our team working on Thursday night. We usually worked all day and then some in the evening after dinner and testimonys.

The current location of the orphanage is in Arriaga, about 40 minutes from the ranch. The railroad to the US passes through here and so there is a constant stream of people headed north. This is a photo of one of those trains headed north. I guess normally immigrants can't ride the train the whole way so usually in northern Mexico they get off and try and find another way across the border. This picture was taken from inside the orphanage.

Julie and I are at this point tired of taking regular pictures. This is of me in front of a building in San Cristobal on Saturday.

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