Julie and I arrived last Sunday in Colorado Springs for our orientation with eMi. We really had no idea what to expect. On Sunday we got to meet eMi's group of interns for the fall quarter. There are 22 interns all together going to various places around the world. We'll be going to Costa Rica with Ryan. This week was so much fun as we got to know all the other interns, do stuff around colorado springs, and practice cultural training. We usually were in a talk or discussions for about 6 hours each day and spent the rest of the time in devotion, small groups, and daily activities designed to wear us out like ultimate frisbee at 8000ft, rock climbing at Garden of the God's, and this really cool hike to these punch bowls. I'm suprised that COS hasn't changed Garden of the God's to Garden of the God. The park was really cool with all these red rocks. Thats the picture with Julie and I and rocks in the distance.

The hike to the punch bowls was at the Navigators campus near Garden of the God's. The "trail" went up this narrow valley crossing over the stream as many times as possible. It was a great test for our Chacos. I went and stood under a waterfall but is was soo cold that I got an instant brain freeze. The punch bowls were like a mini wild waves with pools that you could slide between. Except that it was freezing cold. The cultural training was extremely informative and there were quite a few role playing games and sneaky rule swapping games that taugh us what it might be like to try and live in a different culture without knowing what the culture's rules were.

I think Julie and I's favorite time may have been when the whole group shared thier testimony's. It was really cool to see how God has worked in each and every person there. To see how God used events in thier life to teach them more about him and to see how God called each person to an internship at eMi. I believe the orientation week set a precidence for how much God is going to teach us and mold us on this trip. Our next post will be from Costa Rica, or the Houston airport.
Also my skype name is awkragt. Feel free to comment so that we know people are reading this.
We're reading! Thanks for the update, Kragts. Sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear about the next stage in your adventure
-Kathryn for the Adeneys
Thanks for posting about your activities---we are praying for you and that your mission time will be successful. Tonight we are having your folks (Connie & Wayne) and Tricia & Lloyd over for dinner---mostly of fresh veggies from our garden---it will be fun to share it with them....
Our love and prayers are with you---G. Joyce & G. Con
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