We planted our garden on April 22nd this year. After last years mild success with a bunch of large pots we decided to enlarge our attempt this year. At home depot I found a cheap kit for a cedar raised bed, some garden mulch potting soil, some seed, some stackes, and some twine. Total cost 50 bucks.
I picked out a sunny spot in the back yard. Right in the middle. Lined the box with black plastic. Mixed the soil in all the old pots with the new soil and some from a hole I dug on the side of the house. Filled all the old pots and the new raised beg.
Then we got to planting. We went for some pretty safe stuff. Based on last years alaska snap peas we planted a bunch of snow peas. These are good for just eating out of the garden and they grow crazy fast. Next we planted lemon cucumbers, regular cucumbers, and squash various types. Lastly we moved the chives that were still going from last year and planted a bunch of kale. The kale will be mostly used for super healthy smoothies. I am not totally sold on this yet.
After planting we had a massive slug attack. I spread bait out and it should take care of them. Fun fact: Slugs are snails without shells.
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