Last year we made a small garden dug out from our hill and planted carrots, beets, watermelon (I told Andy they wouldn't grow but he persisted anyhow), and tomatoes. The beets and watermelon both did not produce anything, but we got quite a few carrots and tomatoes.
This year we became more serious about this gardening business and Andy built 2 planter boxes. We also will be be planting squash or pumpkins next to the planter boxes. Today we laid down some newspapers following the "lasagna" method and added top soil.
Heidi is in heaven playing with the newspapers. Paper is by far her favorite toy, but she usually does not get to play with it since it goes directly in her mouth and she gags on the small pieces she tears off.
Bigger view of the planter boxes.
The "supervisor." I helped with some raking too, though.
Heidi likes hanging out with her uncle Lucas. Thanks, Lucas, for helping us!
Watering the newspapers before adding the top soil.
The first wheel barrow.